Good Friday Cricket 2011

The rain has stopped Mark up to bat Gav comes in to bowl Spot the ball! Andy showing a nice bowling action The members area Lunch Very kind of Gav to supply the sausage sizzle and we do love our park facilities Victoria with attitude Dale and Muz - strictly spectators today A few interested bystanders in the outer too Mick bowling action 1 of 2 Mick bowling action 2 of 2 Gav 2 hands is better The crowd behaves itself You and the beach is just through the dunes Whack! Eyes on the ball Shadows lengthen That may have been a chuck The Thinker

Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted ascending Action Size Date Who Comment
IMG_1944.JPGJPG IMG_1944.JPG manage 2 MB 29 Apr 2011 - 22:46 ReginaHuntington The rain has stopped
IMG_1945.JPGJPG IMG_1945.JPG manage 2 MB 29 Apr 2011 - 22:54 ReginaHuntington Mark up to bat
IMG_1946.JPGJPG IMG_1946.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 01:25 ReginaHuntington Gav comes in to bowl
IMG_1947.JPGJPG IMG_1947.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 01:28 ReginaHuntington Spot the ball!
IMG_1948.JPGJPG IMG_1948.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 01:28 ReginaHuntington Andy showing a nice bowling action
IMG_1949.JPGJPG IMG_1949.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 01:33 ReginaHuntington The members area
IMG_1950.JPGJPG IMG_1950.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 01:33 ReginaHuntington Lunch
IMG_1952.JPGJPG IMG_1952.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:00 ReginaHuntington Very kind of Gav to supply the sausage sizzle
IMG_1953.JPGJPG IMG_1953.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:00 ReginaHuntington and we do love our park facilities
IMG_1954.JPGJPG IMG_1954.JPG manage 3 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:10 ReginaHuntington Victoria with attitude
IMG_1955.JPGJPG IMG_1955.JPG manage 3 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:10 ReginaHuntington Dale and Muz - strictly spectators today
IMG_1956.JPGJPG IMG_1956.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:10 ReginaHuntington A few interested bystanders in the outer too
IMG_1957.JPGJPG IMG_1957.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:10 ReginaHuntington Mick bowling action 1 of 2
IMG_1958.JPGJPG IMG_1958.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:10 ReginaHuntington Mick bowling action 2 of 2
IMG_1959.JPGJPG IMG_1959.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:10 ReginaHuntington Gav's one-handed batting style
IMG_1960.JPGJPG IMG_1960.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:10 ReginaHuntington 2 hands is better
IMG_1961.JPGJPG IMG_1961.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:26 ReginaHuntington The crowd behaves itself
IMG_1962.JPGJPG IMG_1962.JPG manage 1 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:26 ReginaHuntington You're out!
IMG_1963.JPGJPG IMG_1963.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:26 ReginaHuntington and the beach is just through the dunes
IMG_1964.JPGJPG IMG_1964.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:26 ReginaHuntington Whack!
IMG_1965.JPGJPG IMG_1965.JPG manage 2 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:26 ReginaHuntington Eyes on the ball
IMG_1966.JPGJPG IMG_1966.JPG manage 1 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:26 ReginaHuntington Shadows lengthen
IMG_1967.JPGJPG IMG_1967.JPG manage 1 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:26 ReginaHuntington That may have been a chuck
IMG_1968.JPGJPG IMG_1968.JPG manage 1 MB 01 May 2011 - 02:26 ReginaHuntington The Thinker
Topic revision: r1 - 10 Oct 2016, UnknownUser
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