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PUS Golf Day 2008

Dr Don and Dana placing a wager on how many PUSmobbers will turn up Pre-tee-off pies and beers Nice shot Dana! Mushy fairway following a wet summer Bennie hits what would be a fantastic 50 metre hole-in-one, except it was his second shot. Chriso, Ben and Craig Ben`s consistent swing produces another great shot Memorial at the 16th hole: "The final resting place for the ashes of Denis Bartolo 2nd April 1926 - 28th May 2006" "Golf is a never ending Journey" Craig Chriso Reg Thanks goodness for the 19th hole! Craig and Ben thrash Chriso and Reg 14 to nil. The 19th hole Chriso and Muz Tiff n Shaun drop in at the 19th The Barbie The Chefs The Table The Tree The Mob
Topic revision: r1 - 10 Oct 2016, UnknownUser
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