Manage Users
Register users on your Foswiki site; change/reset/install passwords; remove user accounts

Some of the features below may be disabled, depending on your Foswiki
Authentication and Access Control
Register User
You don't have to have user home pages in Foswiki for Authentication to
work - see
UserAuthentication for details.
- UserRegistration is used when you want new users to individually register with Foswiki by filling out a form
- BulkRegistration is used by administrators to register multiple users at the same time
Change, Reset and Install Passwords
Note that the below features are only relevant when you use an internal password manager where Foswiki can set and reset passwords.
- ChangePassword is for users who can remember their password and want to change it
- ResetPassword is for users who cannot remember their password; a system generated password is e-mailed to them
- BulkResetPassword is for administrators who want to reset many passwords at once
- ChangeEmailAddress changes the hidden email address stored in the password file
Changing User Account Names
To change the user's
If external authentication is used and you want to change the login username:
- The login username needs to be changed in the authentication server (e.g. Active Directory)
- In Foswiki's Main.WikiUsers topic, fix the mapping from username to WikiName:
* JaneSmith - jsmith - 13 Sep 2006
* JaneMiller - jmiller - 13 Sep 2006
Removing User Accounts
The following API can be used by administrators to delete a user's account.
- The user is removed from the user database.
- The user's topic is moved to the trash web
- The user is removed from any groups